The world is facing unprecedented, complex decisions…
and a future where we can thrive hangs in the balance.
We are cultivating eco-literate citizens to inspire the next generation and build Thriving Communities.
You will intentionally adopt a holistic perspective for decision-making, understand your choices through an ecosystem lens, and reflect on your role in building the future we all deserve. This journey can be taken as an individual or as a collective.

Get Started by Grounding Down with Us
Understand your worldview and validate your readiness for transformation in our Starter Course.
Spark Your Ecological Literacy with
Our Micro-Credential
Define your decision-making role in your Community.
Learn how to make responsible decisions for a sustainable future.
Put your Learning Into Practice
Experience our eco-literacy curriculum in action.
Practice decision-making in a social group.
Find your path to change the world.
Who are the citizens who lead the way?
Thrive with Us!
All participants join the Fearless Farmers Network as lifetime members. This Network enables ongoing communication with like minds, exclusive opportunities to further your education, and connection with network members in your region.
Community Spark
This community network membership is achieved as soon as your community has 2 Certified Educators, 1 Certified Farmer and at least 1 Eco-Literacy Ambassador.
Community Sparks receive quarterly check-ins from our team providing mentorship and support to grow into a thriving regenerative community.
Fearless Farmers Affiliate
Becoming an affiliate requires full Certified Educator certification and a minimum of 60 hours implementing your Portfolio. You can then help increase Eco-Literacy by teaching others how to implement the Fearless Farmers curriculum.
Access to bulk curriculum licensing and quarterly support meetings is included.
Regenerative Community
This community network membership is achieved through social proof of ongoing ecosystem activities for a period of at least 12 months.
Regenerative Communities receive semi-annual check-ins from our team to sustain community success and provide ongoing learning and growth.
Realizing Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, the United Nations (UN) adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
They outlined 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aimed at ensuring peace and prosperity for all people and the planet.
Through our programming, Fearless Farmers is supporting 8 SDGs.
Our programming promotes regenerative agriculture and sustainable development addressing goals 2, 11, 12, 13, and 15.
Our educational curriculum for eco-literacy ensures a shift in worldview for tomorrow’s students and future farmers addressing goal 4.
Activating thriving regenerative communities ensures economic well-being in rural communities around the globe addressing goals 8 and 9.